Participate in One of Our Various Programmes


Community Service Projects

School students and other individuals are welcome to undertake community service projects with us.

Procedures to be Followed:

1) Submit an Application addressed to the General Secretary or President of ISHWAR-NGO, clearly mentioning the type of project that you wish to undertake. Please remember to mention the activity planned; the age-group of children with whom the project will be conducted; whether the project is for boys or girls or for both; the days and timings when you wish to attend.

2) Submit 1 passport sized photograph along with your application.

3) Once approved, remember to mark your attendance in the Attendance Register available with the Centre Incharge at Neb Sarai Centre.

4) Remember to take pictures of the children that you have worked with.  Also, make notes on the activities performed on each visit.

5) Once completed, prepare a small project report containing details of the activities undertaken and attach copies of pictures that were taken during the project.

6) Get the project report signed and verified by the Centre Incharge and submit a copy to the General Secretary / President of the NGO.

7) If you need a certificate for the community service undertaken, you may give your request for the same.

Types of Projects you can take up:

The idea of the community service project is to pass on your skills to the under-privileged children, attending non-formal education programmes at the NGO. Therefore, we recommend that you formulate your project based on the activities that you are good at, and have achieved some distinction. The aim of the project should be to touch upon some areas where the children are lacking for a holistic educational approach. 

1) We generally do not recommend teaching the school syllabus as a community service project, unless you yourself have achieved 9+ GPA scores in Classes 9 or 10. Proof of your CBSE achievement should be submitted with your Application for this project.

2) If you are good in co-curricular activities such as Sports, Dance, Drama, Music – Singing / Instruments, Painting, Artwork, Photography etc. and have achieved some recognition to prove your abilities, the same may be discussed with the General Secretary / President or the Centre Incharge.  You would be required to arrange the materials, instruments or gadgets (as the case may be) and organise a small show for the benefit and motivation of other children of the NGO.

3) Projects can be conducted on General Knowledge, Facts, Phenomenons, Environment, Earth, Space, Geography, Ecology, Marine eco-systems, Science, Computers, Technology etc. These projects would require aids like Encyclopedias, Atlas, Video CDs / DVDs, Current Affair booklets etc. which you would be required to arrange and bring along with you. For this, you would be expected to first go through the topics yourself and only then attempt teaching them.

4) Educational trips / excursions to places such as the National Museum, National Science Centre, National Museum for Natural History, Nehru Planetarium, Railway Museum, Zoological Park etc. are welcome as a project, as visual experience is an effective means of education. Also, the under-privileged children have little or no access to such places and they are motivated and eager to learn through this experience. While such educational trips will brush up your own knowledge, the children will learn through your explanations and those of the accompanying teacher.

5) Story-telling with a focus on building Morals, Ethics, Good behaviour or themed on Patriotism and being good citizens are also good projects that can be undertaken for the benefit of young under-privileged children. You would require pictorial story-books or any other audio / video presentation to showcase and support the story-telling. This activity would be under the guidance of the Centre Incharge or a teacher of the NGO.

Please note:

1) ISHWAR-NGO will make available eligible under-privileged children in the required age-group and category for the completion of your project. The basic aim is to bring them into mainstream society through interaction, participation and knowledge dissemination through modern systems of education. 

2)  ISHWAR-NGO will assist you in your project on ‘best of effort’ basis and will not incur any monetary expenses.

 3)  We humbly expect that by utilising the services of the NGO to your benefit, you would, in-turn, spread the word and make efforts to raise contributions, which can be utilised for continuous running of the activities of the NGO.

4)  We would love to hear from you about your experience and suggestions for further improvement.  Your feedback is important to us and fuels our commitment for betterment and efficiency. You may contact us by phone or just shoot us an email.


IsHWAR has many programmes that focus on building the mindset of underpriviliged children to help them acquire skills and knowledge.


if you feel that you can contribute your knowledge and skills to one of our programmes, reach out us by clicning on the participate button below!


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